Work from Home Mom: Managing Work and Family Life

Gone are the days when moms were at home just to take care of household responsibilities. Present times have changed, and more organisations have adopted flexible work arrangements, allowing working moms to be part of the modern workforce as they balance their career and childcare needs.

According to a study, 79% of moms prefer remote work. This flexibility helps employees achieve a successful career and personal life, paving the way for future generations of working parents. However, working from home is not always sunshine and rainbows, as juggling multiple tasks while managing personal or family responsibilities can be exhausting.

If you’re a mom considering remote work, explore this article, as it provides valuable tips on achieving harmonious and better work-life harmony!

What is Remote Working?

Remote working, also known as telecommuting, is a modern approach that allows employees to work from a location other than their usual workplace, as long as they have a dependable internet connection.

Companies and organisations permitting telecommuting enable employees to cultivate a productive workforce while accommodating their employees’ diverse responsibilities and commitments.

This flexible approach enables companies to promote diversity and inclusivity in the workforce, offering moms the chance to pursue their careers without compromising their responsibilities and commitments at home and earning a living at the same time.

As remote working becomes a norm, companies must align their policies with fair employment practices, emphasizing equal opportunities and work-life balance for all individuals, including moms.

Here are other actionable tips to cater to the needs of work-from-home moms :

  • Implement flexible work arrangements and leave policies.
  • Ensure equal compensation and benefits.
  • Provide career development specifically designed for working moms.
  • Invest in technology and infrastructure.
  • Design co-working spaces for better team collaboration and engagement.
  • Provide dedicated lactation rooms and other on-site childcare facilities for a hybrid work environment.

Balancing Work and Family Life

As the ultimate multitaskers, moms manage personal responsibilities while juggling work roles, making them exceptional work-life ambassadors. Their ability to balance work and family life is truly remarkable. However, these factors may also lead to burnout in the long run.

So here are some helpful tips for maintaining a sustainable and healthy work-life dynamic for moms:

Create a dedicated workspace

Finding a balance between family and work life can be tricky, but having your dedicated workspace away from common areas such as living rooms or kitchens is an important step. This lets you focus completely on work and avoid unnecessary communication with family members during work time.

Benefits of having a dedicated workspace:

  • It allows you to set up your tools, equipment, and resources in an organized and accessible manner.
  • It mentally prepares you to switch into work mode.
  • You can minimize distractions and avoid unnecessary communication or interruptions during work hours.
  • You can easily mentally detach from work once you leave your dedicated workspace and fully engage with your family and personal life.

Set Boundaries at Work

Setting boundaries with your employer is important to protect your family time. Maintain open communication and let them know your availability and the hours you are willing to work. Having a schedule will help you use your time efficiently and help them respect your time outside of work, preventing them from expecting too much from you.

Delegate Responsibilities

Managing teams effectively is a must when working remotely. Stay-at-home moms must learn to delegate tasks to fellow workers because they will quickly become overwhelmed and stressed if they try to do everything themselves. Instead, learn how to trust functions among family members and colleagues so that everyone is contributing effectively and has a role in meeting the demands of daily life.

Learn to Say No

One of the most important tips for balancing work and family life is learning to say no. You cannot do everything; trying to do so will only lead to stress and burnout. When you are asked to take on additional responsibilities at work or home, carefully assess whether or not you have the time and energy before saying yes.

Set regular breaks

Taking a regular break from work is strongly encouraged as it is the key to balancing your professional and family life. Allot some much-needed rest between your work schedule so that you can remain productive, fulfilled, and content with both aspects of your daily routine.

Schedule Leisure Time for Family

Working from home may sometimes be tiring, so taking time off and scheduling bonding time with your family is important. Dedicate certain days or times of the week to spend with your loved ones and stick to that schedule as much as possible. This will help you avoid overcommitting yourself to your job and give you something to look forward to during busy periods at work.


Taking care of yourself is essential for maintaining health and well-being for a stay-at-home mom. Prioritising self-care activities and spending time daily for relaxation and recreation, even just a few minutes, help ensure continued work productivity.

Recharge and do something you enjoy to reduce anxiety associated with remote work and the difficulty of parenting. This may include reading, walking, getting a restful sleep each night, eating nutritious meals or taking a yoga class.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

If you’re struggling to do the job while caring for your kids, don’t hesitate to ask for help from friends, family members, or even your employer. Many resources are available to help you manage your workload and free up some time for yourself and your family.

Best Mom Jobs with Flexible Work Arrangements

Working from home is redesigning jobs as it offers flexible job roles that match their demands for balancing productivity during the day with having enough energy to spend meaningful time with their families in the evening.

Companies are beginning to offer remote employment where moms can, depending on their expertise and qualifications, earn a good salary or secure higher-level positions.

Here is a list of part-time or full-time stay-at-home mom jobs with flexible work arrangements:

Virtual Assistant

Both small businesses and large companies frequently hire virtual assistants with highly helpful abilities to perform administrative tasks. Virtual assistance is ideal for moms looking for a part-time or full-time job with an average salary.

A virtual assistant can help with everything from email management to assistance, scheduling appointments, planning events, arranging travel appointments, managing social media accounts, and other administrative duties.

Customer Service Representative

If you’re looking for a stay-at-home job that allows you to help customers while working in the comfort of your own home, CSR might be a position right up your alley. You’ll need effective communication skills, conflict resolution abilities, problem-solving expertise and up-to-date industry trends – all to deliver outstanding product or service experiences! Technology proficiency is also essential – so make sure those virtual keyboard fingers are typed up!

Digital Marketing Specialist

This role is a valuable asset to assisting any marketing or sales team in promoting a brand and growing its presence online. They are responsible for using ideas and utilizing marketing strategies such as research and analysis, email marketing campaigns, content marketing, and paid digital advertising campaigns to drive growth.

It requires deep knowledge of the ever-evolving digital landscape and proficiency in multiple online platforms to meet the company’s marketing goals. From strategizing email marketing plans to developing targeted search engine optimization tactics, this role can be invaluable for any team striving to reach its desired customers.

Link Builder

Link building can be challenging, but it’s also an exciting opportunity to make your client’s website stand out from the competition. From researching potential link sources and creating content that invites people to share your site and links with others, plenty of creative tasks are available when working in this area! Link building allows moms to work from home and make a living while enjoying flexibility.

Freelance Writer

Freelance writing provides flexible hours, allowing you to write on whatever topics interest you most.

Whether writing an engaging blog post or crafting an article suitable to be featured in a magazine, this blogging job will provide ample opportunities to write and express yourself. Plus, it won’t tie you down – you get to pick your hours and write from the comfort of your home.


Suppose you possess the skills needed to effectively review and correct written material, ranging from an eye for detail to knowledge of grammar rules. Proofreaders can spot typos easily, are experts in the proper use of punctuation and sentence structure, detect any inconsistencies throughout documents and give feedback or directly correct the errors on the paper. It is no easy task carrying out all these responsibilities, yet it showcases their ability with unmatched precision when done properly.

Data Entry

Moms looking for flexible work-from-home jobs may want to consider a career as a data entry or database specialist. From filling in client information to keeping organized records and verifying the accuracy of all details, these experts provide an invaluable service by digitizing important data that can later be retrieved easily.

This role is ideal for busy moms with strong computer and keyboarding skills and excellent attention to detail – two essential criteria employers look for when hiring.


Transcribing roles involve listening to the audio and converting it into written documents. Moms who are experts in typing and transcribing written documents could be a perfect fit for this role! With this job, you can gain control of your schedule – no formal qualifications or higher education is needed. Plus, with more training, it will surely become second nature.

Online Tutor

Parents everywhere have the incredible power to shape their children’s future and impart valuable knowledge. During the formative years, moms teach their kids the alphabet, numbers and any subject. Using those same skills to teach others, turn your passion for your daily tutoring sessions with students into a potential source of income.

Busy office parents are eager to hire online teachers to assist their kids with projects or daily assignments. Look for tutor jobs on sites like Indeed or local agencies around your area.

Social Media Manager

Parents can put their social media savvy skills to work for them by becoming Social Media Managers. By creating engaging content on behalf of company social media sites, they can help drive traffic and develop fanbases around communities with common interests – all while working at home. It’s an ideal job since parents are already embedded in online culture, sharing stories about their holidays with their children and consuming content from favourite brands and influencers.

Graphic Designer

You might want to check out the following related works if you have design skills or job experience in digital or visual graphic design, such as designing logos, websites, signage, ads, etc. Most graphic design jobs offer flexible schedules, and stay-at-home moms can find meaningful employment that can be done from the comfort of their homes while still allowing them to spend time with their families and earn more than the average salary.


A bookkeeper role is often an understated yet crucial component of any thriving line of business. A knowledge base of accounting principles, financial records and related standard operating practices exists for those who choose to inhabit this profession.

Working as a bookkeeper requires a blend of skills, such as attention to detail, time management, and working independently. Those in the role must be comfortable navigating different software platforms and able to learn new programs as needed rapidly.

Where to Find Remote Jobs for Mom?

For moms who want to find remote jobs, they can start their search and look at job sites that list local and remote positions. Here’s a list of leading companies and services that offer work-from-home jobs:

  1. Upwork
  2. Indeed
  3. Jobstreet
  4. Glassdoor
  5. LinkedIn
  6. FlexJobs
  7. Guru
  8. PeoplePerHour
  9. 99designs
  10. JobsDB

Before submitting applications to these sites, make sure to create a nice portfolio from past projects or experiences. Attract potential clients and employers, widen your network and open up the possibility of new opportunities for yourself. Also, it is important to research companies thoroughly to know their industries and demonstrate how you would add value to the project or company.


Working from home can be an incredibly rewarding experience and might be the best decision for many moms. It allows the opportunity to take control of your career while still being able to take care of your children, and it comes with great pay too. Once you find your niche, you can work with clients who appreciate your skills and help turn the interests you’re passionate about into work opportunities.

Working from home can be difficult, but work and family life can be manageable with the right job. Keep searching for the perfect job for moms until you find one that works for you.

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